Subtext: “I can rewrite the technological history of the world howsoever I please and anyone who objects is just a moany old loser.” (8) Any theory where the VMs describes telescopes, microscopes, or computers Subtext: “Lynn Thorndike’s books are far too heavy for my weak arms to lift.” (7) Any theory where the VMs contains alchemical or heretical secrets Subtext: “I put so much time into learning those languages, they have to be useful soon, right?” (6) Any theory where the VMs is written in a mixture of European languages Subtext: “I wish I had read the Bible when I was young, instead of taking so many drugs.” (5) Any theory where the VMs is written in lightly disguised Hebrew Subtext: “I’ve got the hots for that Brazilian woman. Subtext: “What do you mean, Jacques Guy wasn’t being serious?” Subtext: “I prefer reading 18th century fiction to 20th century non-fiction.”
Subtext: “My theory has so many holes in, it would need two series of Doctor Who to fix them all.” (1) Any theory involving time travel or aliens Once you’ve seen the same damaged pattern a few times, the shared wonky rationale behind it is usually fairly transparent.Īnd so here is a suggested critical reader for those fruity (but decidedly wobbly) jellies we all love to dip our fingers in: Voynich theories. Symmetrical and repetitive prey behaviour is the key tool exploited by hunter gatherers: and so it goes with Voynich Manuscript websites.